Unleashing the power of critical thinking!
Teaching critical thinking in science through nanolearning and virtual exchange principles (NanoThink) project.
Empowering critical thinking!
The Teaching critical thinking in science through nanolearning and virtual exchange principles (NANO-THINK) project is a comprehensive
initiative aimed at creating and designing a specialised program that fosters the development of critical thinking in science.
Project Vision
The program is
designed to leverage the principles of virtual learning and nanoscience to deliver an effective and engaging learning experience for
Erasmus Days 2024
This year, as in previous years, the Faculty of Health Studies in…
Successful Meeting of the Internal Quality Committee for the NANO-THINK Project
In May, the coordinator of the NANO-THINK project from the Faculty of…
NANOTHINK: Kick-Off Meeting
In February, the implementation of the project NANO-THINK began, which is financed…
Launch of the NANO-THINK Project under the Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange Program
In February, the implementation of the NANO-THINK project, funded under the Erasmus+…