Students Survey

Dear students,

We kindly ask you to be the part of our project and to fill-in the survey on critical thinking attitudes in science within the higher-education environment. The survey is part of the ERASMUS+ NANO-THINK project that aims at creating and designing a specialized program for fostering the development of critical thinking in science through nano-learning and virtual exchange principles.

In order to design and deliver an effective and engaging learning experience for students and university staff, ERASMUS+ NANO-THINK project needs to conduct a comprehensive gap analysis between EU member states and non-EU countries in terms of assessment of attitudes towards critical skills development in science and assessment of the corresponding status in the existing universities’ curricula in the academic environment in Austria, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro.

To improve the quality of the Gap analysis, we would be grateful if you could respond to the survey linked below until July 26th 2024.

Your feedback is always highly appreciated, and your suggestions help us in our continuous improvement!

The survey is anonymous, and the results will be published in the context of ERASMUS+ NANO-THINK project and scientific publications and they will be used solely for this purpose.

If you have any questions or doubts, feel free to contact us:

You can access the questionnaire at the following link:

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